Friday, 4 May 2007

33 Buddhas

While I have been taking so long to finish posting about Kyoto all sorts of things have been happening here. The reason I don't have much blogging time anymore is that I can no longer blog from work, and of course it is hard to find the motivation to sit down and blog when I get home from work.

About three or four weeks ago I went with Sumiko to tag along with a group of middle aged fishermens wives who sang hymns at each of 33 statues of the Buddha Kannon that are scattered about a temple, park and hill in Konoura and which were built to protect the fishermen of Konoura. Sumiko's mother was one of the ladies, which was why she knew about this little-known event. Here (like always) are a few pictures:

Sumiko and Machiko-san

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